Art Therapy & Workshops
:• Art Therapy

Catherine Fraser, BCATAR
Art Therapist
Art and Art Therapy
Since 1989 I have practiced as an art therapist. Expanding aspects of caring, increasing creativity promotes and empowers client self-awareness in a supportive environment. I value and believe in self-expression and communication, encouraging exploration, experimentation and extending creative abilities. I encourage people to explore and develop their own visual language and self expression using a variety of materials. I work with people who desire to be creative, people who feel blocked and people with different health conditions such as ALS, strokes, depression and cancer.
-RN (Royal Jubilee, Victoria, BC)
- BScN (University of Victoria)
- Diploma Art Therapy (BC School of Art Therapy)
-Certified IBP (Integrated Body Psychotherapy)
As an artist, I am interested in learning about the many different materials and mediums and how they work as tools of self-expression. My experience as a nurse enables me to understand physical and emotional challenges. The art allows a way of expressing feelings and experiences, and the art making itself can be an important part of the healing process. Art therapy can be beneficial for anyone, as a way towards understanding personal imagery and symbols.
My practice includes both individual and group sessions and workshops. I also give workshops on art therapy for teachers, infant development workers, hospice workers and medical personnel.
• Workshops
All images on this site are copyright © Catherine Fraser. No reproduction of any kind allowed without express written permission from the artist.